Your Benefits as a CWA Local 1180 Retiree
Supplemental health benefits and legal benefits are available to all CWA Local 1180 retirees and eligible dependents. These supplemental health benefits include dental, optical, podiatry, hearing aid, prescription drug cost reimbursement, general medical reimbursement, and mental health reimbursement. Additionally, the Retiree Division is a service to members that helps you enjoy an optimal retirement with a wide range of activities including exercise programs, computer classes, recreational activities, workshops, seminars, events, and so much more.
Retiree Benefits
In addition to medical benefits provided by your health insurance, CWA Local 1180 provides all retirees with Supplemental Health Benefits. Click here for a detailed listing
Call CWA Local 1180 Retiree Benefits Fund with questions regarding
Supplemental Benefits
Phone: 212.966.5353 OR 1.888.966.5353
Click here to access your CWA Local 1180 account
Understanding Your Benefits
Pension Payments
Phone: 347.643.3000
Click here for NYCERS website
with questions regarding:
Optional Rider for Prescription Drugs
Medicare Reimbursement
Health Insurance Plans
Phone: 212.513.0470
Click here for OLR website >>
Need a phone number or way to contact one of our Benefit Providers?
Click here for phone listing
Transitioning to Retirement
When you first began working for the City, retirement was a distant dream. You were in a phase of life that had to do with work and family, and the daily grind gave you so much to do that retirement was not even on the radar screen. As the years passed, however, the possibility of retirement “some day” became a reality. Since retirement decisions are some of the most important decisions you will ever make, these guidelines should help with a checklist of things to do and places to contact.
Things You Need for Your Prescription & General Medical Reimbursement Claims:
The following is required to file the Prescription Drug Claim Form:
The following is required to file the General Medical Claim Form:
Benefit Office Contact Information
Annuity Benefits Fund
Administrative Services Only, Inc.
303 Merrick Road, Suite 300, Lynbrook, NY 11563-9010
CWA Local 1180 Security Benefits, Education Benefits
& Legal Benefits Funds
6 Harrison Street, New York, NY 10013-